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  • Wayne and Whitney Adopt

Christmas Time is here...

Howdy Ho!

It’s hard to believe we’re almost to the end of 2019! It seems like just yesterday that we first asked all of you to embark on this journey with us. We may sound like a broken record at this point but we sincerely mean it when we say thank you all so very much for your love, support, and prayers. This is no small undertaking and we do not take your generosity lightly.

It’s been a while since our last post, so we wanted to give everyone a quick update on how things are going. Honestly, it’s a roller coaster of emotions. One minute it feels like things couldn’t possibly move any slower and the next minute it feels like we’ll never be ready and there’s so much to do! It’s an experience like no other. Trying at times, overwhelming in more ways than one, but also an experience that we are just so blessed to be a part of. We are thankful for this story of ours. We are thankful for the opportunity we’ve been given to one day give a child a loving home to grow up in. To have the chance to change a life for the better and provide opportunities that may not have been possible in a different scenario. And again, we are thankful for everyone of you that has invested in this precious child in some way. In the famous words of Buzz McCallister, “Alright enough of this gooey shhhow of emotions.”


That’s right folks! By the grace of God and the generosity of people like you, we’ve surpassed another checkpoint in this process. We are now considered a waiting family! Our profile book now goes into a pile with other waiting families to be shown to birth moms all over North Carolina. We are beyond excited to reach this point but we are also trying to maintain our expectations because we’ve been told it could take up to 2 years to be matched. We don't know when it will be but we know God's timing is perfect. So here’s to 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 years!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from The Smith's!


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